프리미어 아카이브

【Five Seasons】いつつの四季 (Itsutsu no Shiki)

시청 기한: 구매 후 14일간

아카이브 (1건)

Original Voice Drama【Five Seasons】
いつつの四季 (Itsutsu no Shiki)

This original voice drama is a five-part omnibus created by a team of 17 talented staff and cast.
Enjoy a warm, everyday story, like the feeling of a cup of coffee on a cool day.

Ishida Mari/Takato/Daifukusan/Kagachi Musubi/Yugenshi Jis/Nekomachi Koame/Aio Rite/Neet Kuminaga/Mochiri-nyanko/Lira Violetta/Lilac Murasaki/Kokonoha Pokona/DJAir/chiyuki/

●Main Theme
ALTUM:Lira Violetta/ice

●Acting Supervision
Neet Kuminaga

Lilac Murasaki

티켓 구매

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【Five Seasons】いつつの四季 (Itsutsu no Shiki) 3,500 엔(세금 포함)
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